Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Farewell Letter to Coworkers

Saying goodbye is never easy. But saying your proper goodbyes to co-workers is important. It means you appreciate having worked with them and you value their friendship. It also nurtures your business and working ties even though your moving on to a possibly better working environment.

Hello Everyone,

As you guys all know, this is my last day at work. I would just like to say a few kind words to everyone who has made my five years at ChemLabs- five years well spent. I've learned a lot about the industry and its inside secrets, I made great friends and I enjoy the office camaraderie we have afterhours (Of which I wil miss the most).

I wish you guys the best and much success in your respective departments. I'll be relocating my family to Vermont by next week, so before I move out of town, I wold like to invite everyone for a small get-together at Joe's Pub this 7pm. Drinks on me!


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