A Valentine's Day Letter expressing desire and longing to celebrate a day of love with his sweetheart. This is a very uplifting and romantic valentine's letter.
My dearest darling,
Roses are redder each year as they bloom in love and this Valentine's day is no exception. You have my heart and I can't tell you enough how it fills me with so much happiness that I have someone so special like you in my life. You my darling make everything worthwhile, you make me treasure every second and every breath with you. I have everything I would ever need to complete me, you are my soulmate- my one true thing. The woman I adore and love the most.
So please my love on the 14th of this year's Valentine's Day, I want to spend the whole day with you. I have so much plan that you would surely enjoy and I intend to make it the best and memorable Valentine's Day ever.
So hug and kisses my darling- I can't wait to be with you again, my most prized beauty.
Your love,