Monday, April 18, 2016

Excuse Letter to Leave Work

Sorry Gail, but I was really in a hurry. Hence this message. I have a home emergency I need to tend to, will explain further tomorrow. I have entrusted today's tasks to Karen and for anything else under my end, you can message me or email me and I'll reply the best I can.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Customer Product Complaint Letter

Dear Gary,

I was excited until I saw the whole product and it just looks so bad. I mean I could have bought something else worth my money. I felt the photo online was a bait and switch. I'm down to do what it takes to make the company know that we customers ain't happy with this kind of marketing ploy. We want quality and we really expect such especially from establishments such as yours. Please let me know what you plan to do about it.
