Friday, June 12, 2009

Notable Thanksgiving Message

Mayor Mufi Hannemann’s Thanksgiving Holiday Message to the People of Hawaii.

Dear Constituents,

We can be thankful for so much, particularly for the knowledge and comfort that our nation continues to be a bastion of freedom and democracy in the world. Yes, our financial industry is struggling. Businesses and consumers are retrenching. American troops are in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan. And we have our individual worries and concerns.

But we can also be deeply grateful for the love and affection of our families, the companionship and support of good friends, and the blessings of life in a beautiful island state. We can also be thankful that we have, above all, hope: Hope that each new day will bring us opportunities for a better life in this great land. It was in this spirit that the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving, and it is in this spirit that we celebrate this holiday today.

Gail and I wish you and yours a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Aloha.

The Mayor

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